Maddies 3rd Birthday Tea Party

Friday, September 28, 2007

Our Little Funny Face

So the little miss isnt having the best week in the looks department. We were going to get her one month picture taken, but I just dont think her skirted eggshell (she's gone completely bald on top save for the sides and the back)and a bad case of baby acne really suit her. Though her spirits are high, her looks are the lowest Ive seen to date (and this is comming from her mother) so the photo shoot is on hold for the time being.

This weekend is Girls Weekend since Dad is on a business trip Maddie, Gigi and I get to spend it together though we will really miss Dad and cant wait for him to get home.

Here she is on daddy's lap gettin ready to go on a walk. As you can see she really likes to wear her pant pulled way up high!

Our Little lady is quite the face maker these days! Seems she has a new one every day and we just cant click that camera fast enough trying to catch each new one.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What a Gal!

As you can tell our little lady is growing up so fast. She is one month old today and I cant believe how fast its gone by.

She is taking a bottle now which has allowed Josh and I to get out of the house thanks to Gigi and spend our 3 year anniversery free from clutching little hands, pouty lips, however cute they are, and wailing cries.

We went to an awsome dinner on Saturday night and a Seahawks game on Sunday. It was almost like it was before we had a babe...almost. Saturday night was a little rough for Gigi and Naenae though. Maddie made them work for every ounce of silence they got. Sunday was better though and Maddie is so lucky to have such a young and fit Gigi who ended their day with a 3 mile walk in the baby bijorne with Melvin in tow.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sweet Little Madie is Growing up so Fast!

Oh my little baby-kins is getting so big! She feels like such a brut when I hold her now. So this week marks my first at being home completley alone. The family has gone and the new-ness is fading away. The cold, harsh reality is of being a "stay at home mom" is staring me in the face, and I wont lie, its been a little tough. Yesterday was a breeze, there were actual moments of boredom. I got a lot of cleaning and laundry done, and actually felt accomplished at the end of my day. The hubby got home and we made dinner together, he got his baby time in with Maddie, and we both got a semi-good nights sleep. Not too bad. Today however is a different story. Woke up with a severe kink in my neck, so right off the bat we're in the negative. Maddie was a pisser this moring,in fact, make that ALL DAY, and honestly I really dont know what she has to complain about...its not like she's ever gone hungry, the little piglet eats on demand, shes never been with a dirty diaper for too long, and she wears the most snuggly of clothes one could...I think this is show of things to come, she's quite a miss feisty pants! To top it off, Melvin was throwin me for a loop left and right, and now at 4:00 in the afternoon I feel like a total slob with nothing to show for myself. Whew, it does feel good to vent, its tough talking to a wee babe about these sort of things.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Madelyn's First Trip to the Aquarium

Today we took Madelyn to the Aquarium for the day. She was so excited about the fish and seals she wanted to get in the water with them. So as new and unexperienced parents we said okay and let her swim with the fishes. We made her keep her sweatshirt on so she wouldn't get cold. But as you can see the fishes were pretty big fans, as was the seal that wanted to giver her a kiss.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our Little Nephew Micah

We got to hang out with our little nephew Micah this past week and what a great time it was. He has gotten so big over the past five months, it is kinda scary to think that Madelyn will grow up that fast as well. Here is a great little pick of Sarah with Micah at the beach. Isn't he cute.

Auntie Amy gets to meet her favorite little niece

Go ahead fall asleep with Madie, you know you want to.

Madie and Papa

Madie asleep on her Papa is probably something we will see for a long time. What better place to sleep than in Papa's arms.

Madelyn Meets Her Family

This is Madie with Grammy. As you can see Grammy is a glow when she holds her new grandaughter.

Little Hanz and Madelyn

Little Hanzel and Madie took some photos together. The best of friends they will be.
Grammy brought them some matching outfits, only she got a little carried away and bought them both in Newborn sizes. As you can see little Madie is a slight bit small for her outfit and Big Mic is busting out of his. Hence the name Hanz.

Yes those were supposed to be overall pants, not shorts, but they work pretty well as shorts for Micah. Do you vant zee veinnershnittzel.

Back Hanzel Back,

We do enjoy dressing the babies up and taking their picture. As you can see by their faces they are little over the whole production. But they sure are cute. Little goof balls.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Bronco Sunday

Madelyn got to meet her older cousin Micah this week. Micah is 5 months her elder and is going to be a super cousin to her. Since they are both HUGE Bronco Fans, they decided to get a little dressed up for the Broncos opening game. A good game and a great finish kept them both happy for most of the game.