Maddies 3rd Birthday Tea Party

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Wether we're ready or not, here she comes. Little Miss Moritz! Yes thats right, we are having a little bundle of femininity, and you know she's going to have daddy completely wrapped around her cute littel chubby finger. He's already in love. I have never seen Josh so excited before! He is just beaming as the father of a little girl. He is going to be the most amazing dad, and she is going to grow up knowing that she is loved beyond measure. I cant wait to see the two of them together.

Our Ultrasound was incredible. Mom, Ben, Josh and of Course the "carrier of preciouse cargo" were all in attendance. Ben had us all cracking up in the waiting room, and was confidnet in his role as the man on "penis duty". Although somthing he's not usually accustomed to, he was a proud uncle to be the one on watch for any "danglers". We were all trying to figure out what the babe was (boy or girl) before the ultrasound tech came out with it.

So on with the lube squirted all over the big belly, and yes it was warm. She placed the paddle to the bump and immediatly we heard the heartbeat which was 146 bpm. Little baby was lying with her head under my heart, spine rounded under my ribs, then butt under my right lung, and then her feet and hands met in the middle, right above my bladder, and beating on my bladder was what she was doing, because boy did I have to pee! Doc continued to go through all the major organs and everything checked out great. Her weight is right where it should be (10.6 ounces) and her length is just as perfect (9 inches)She was pretty sleepy, but we got to see a good elbow jab here and there. The time with all of us there was perfect. Everyone got to meet her, and we could have stayed in that room so much longer, but alas, the tv had to be turned off at some point.
We all went to celebrate at a local Irish Pub, with a lot of laughs and "cheers". We wish everyone could have been with us, but thats what the blog is for eh?

Friday, March 23, 2007

1st Pic O' the Belly

Well, here it is folks, the first official picture of the bump. However, this was taken about a month ago, so be warned, the planet has grown in both size and volume. Tis very taught, and my belly button has never been so shallow. Its like it cant really decide if it wants to be an inny or an be determined in this months pics.

Out on the town in NY

This was taken at this sweet little place we remember as the "Tonic Bar" in downtown Manhattan. We rang in the dawn feeling like quite the New Yorkers.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Our Little Family

This was about as close to getting in to Yale as they would let me get. Just outside the gate. Little did we know that this was our first pregnant picture. Ha!