Maddies 3rd Birthday Tea Party

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Today was Maddies first Halloween Party, and although she was a sleeping beauty for most of it, those pretty little eyelids fluttered open just enough for a few pics. Here is the little Pea with her closest babies even have friends. Really now, I think the two friends she holds dearest to her heart are, eh-hhm, well you know who those life sustaining tweedle dee and tweedle dum's are.

Here is just a sweet little number I took this morning. You can tell how excited she was to be getting ready for her green debut as the cutest sweet pea ever!

These pics are of the photo shoot the madster and I took last week in preparation for her "Happy Halloween" cards we sent out. As you can tell she's practicing for her different "pose faces" that all models aspire to, and she wants uncle Kevin to get that lens warmed up for the Holiday shots.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

A Night Out

This last Friday night we had the lovely opportunity of having a night out on the town. And of course we jumped at the chance to get out of the house for a bit. A friend from work was throwing a Halloween party so though we were unable to muster enough creativity for costumes; I mean we were pretty thankful we looked as presentable as we did being that all of our creative juices are spent thinking up different jingles to keep baby intrigued, doing different dances while at the changing table, because while the little miss sure does love getting changed, she hates getting dressed again...she loves the naked life-Josh tells me it reminds him of Auntie Amy. So were pretty much at her beckon call in the creativity department.

We think we look like a pretty tired set of parents here, but really were not, its just that were so unfamiliar with the camera lens pointing at us. Were just confused thats all...we've got the akward Chandler smile goin on.

Of course a night out on the town wouldnt be possible without Gigi's helping hands. She was pretty excited to come see Maddie again and Maddie always gives the best smiles when being held by Gigi. The babe is changing so much every week, so Mom's gotta keep up, and we always welcome a little help. Afterall, the best gift we can give Maddie is a set of parents who love each other and get along. For a while there it was a little rough, but we made it through the tough times...for now.

Look at that face...gotta admit, it was pretty hard to leave this time. She has just been a completely different baby this week and last week. She smiles all the time, her naps are so much more consistent. She sleeps in until 10am every morning, so Im totally rested. Im just completly, head over heels IN LOVE with my daughter. She smiles and I just well up immeditatly, and I mean the tears are a-streamin down my face. She's incredible and theres nothing in this world I wouldnt do for her.

This is the litte beauty we got to come home to. Its funny, I spend all day with her, and after only a couple hours of being away from her, I miss her so much! I cant imagine what Josh goes through being away all day and how hard it must be for him.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Best Times with Gigi and Naynay

Maddie sure loves her girl time with Gigi and Naynay and by the looks of things they sure love her too. You should see the two of them when they're passing the babe back and forth ! Each trying to out do the other with snuggles and kisses and rolly-polly-ness. Bath time was just full of oohs and aahs and laughter as they coo'd over Maddie. Ive never seen her love the water so much as she did at Gigi's. And the one who wins the most at the end of the day is Madelyn. She is SO lucky to have such amazing people in her life that love her so incredibly much. All she knows and ever has known is pure love and if I could keep it that way indefinitely I would give anything.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

And the Smiles Just Keep on Coming!

Maddie is just all smiles these days, and she seems to be most happy when she first gets up for the day. Her favorite place to be is the changing table where she does what she loves to do most in this world...stare at her chandelier or out the window. Thats when the left corner of her wry little mouth starts to curve upward, the right corner not far behind, and the tip of her little pixie nose crinkles and she just looks as if she is going to burst there is so much happiness and no words or even noise and all she can give you is this extraordinary gummy quivery smile that is the greatest gift God has ever given me. No words can express the way my heart just soars when my little girl stares so deep into my eyes it touches my soul. Its definitly the most awsome way to start my morning...that and she has been giving me the best sleep ever. For the first time she slept 8+ hours and I hadnt seen sleep like that in lord knows how long. And it wasnt her that woke me was the ta-ta's screaming out for mercy! Yeah I actually woke her this time!
Well below are some of Maddies greatest photos of this past week. Hope you like. Love you and miss you all across the miles.

Monday, October 8, 2007

She is SO Cute this morning!

This morning we got up after 7 straight hours of sleep! Yes thats right folks, miss Maddie Joy slept from 8pm to 3pm and then until 7:30. We couldnt be more thrilled, and yes, this is probably just a one time thing, I feel like a new woman this Monday morning. We did some tummy time which wore her out fast, and then up to her favorite place, her changing table where she loves to just gaze up at her twinkly chandelier.

As many of you know she had her 6wk checkup last friday, and everything checked out great! She wieghs in at 8.08 pounds (only the 10th percentile) and she is 21 inches long (50%). Her head is almost 15cm which puts her in the 50% as well. It was a sad state of affairs when that needle hit her thigh, but Josh and I sort of laughed later at how delayed the pain reaction is. She was a brave little soul though so she definitly gets her needle bravery from her daddy, not me!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A Little Video For You.

The Little Lady is 6 Weeks Old!

Can you believe it?! My baby girl...OUR baby girl is 6 weeks old. The time has gone by so quickly, yet so slowly all at the same time. When I think back on all those sleepless nights, and the hour after hours Josh and I would trade off trying to get her to stay asleep once set down, that's when it feels like time couldnt go by more slowly. Its all those good moments though that make these past 6 weeks of her little life just whiz, and as new parents, it truely is those sweet times that are all you can remember. Thats were the baby amnesia really hits ya and its all flowers, hearts, and lollypops looking back although we all know that aint true...not even close. Here are some of our favorits pics of Miss Madelyn Joy

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Shots All Around

Here is Maddie in training for a future career as a gymnist. Stiff as a board.

Today we had to take Maddie in for shots. She is not a very big fan of shots as you can see by her face. You can see the bandaid on her leg. But she did real good, and we are real proud of her. She is in training for her next doctors appointment when she will be getting 4 shots. Now that will be a sad day.