Maddies 3rd Birthday Tea Party

Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy 29th Birthday Josh!

Josh had such a great day. Well, he manually labored all day with Mat, our neighbor-friend, so that had to be exhilarating, then the four of us went to our favorite steakhouse-Jaks for dinner and drinks. We were so lucky to have a very well equipped designated driver for the evening-thanks Katie, and some very excited babysitters-thanks Mom, Bria and Aunt Renee who all helped make Saturday night as memorable as it was. We then bounced over to our friends Crystal and Rupp who were throwing a Christmas party where Josh partied the rest of the night away with friends. Lets just say Josh wasn't moving to fast the next morning, but still had a very Happy Birthday!
Josh blowing out his 29 candles. Notice on the cake is a nice shot of Josh at a very ripe age. He loved that cake!

Us with our Great Friends Mat & Katie. They make every occasion that much better!

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1 comment:

morang said...

Hope you all are doing wonderful! Can't believe we are 29 this year! Miss you guys. Hope you have wonderful holiday! Maddy is so precious everything I see a new picture cuter and cuter. Happy bday Josh!