Maddies 3rd Birthday Tea Party

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Little Hanz and Madelyn

Little Hanzel and Madie took some photos together. The best of friends they will be.
Grammy brought them some matching outfits, only she got a little carried away and bought them both in Newborn sizes. As you can see little Madie is a slight bit small for her outfit and Big Mic is busting out of his. Hence the name Hanz.

Yes those were supposed to be overall pants, not shorts, but they work pretty well as shorts for Micah. Do you vant zee veinnershnittzel.

Back Hanzel Back,

We do enjoy dressing the babies up and taking their picture. As you can see by their faces they are little over the whole production. But they sure are cute. Little goof balls.

1 comment:

Buchta Base said...

Um, they are seriously so adorable! I was laughing at the cuteness!
