Maddies 3rd Birthday Tea Party

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sweet Little Madie is Growing up so Fast!

Oh my little baby-kins is getting so big! She feels like such a brut when I hold her now. So this week marks my first at being home completley alone. The family has gone and the new-ness is fading away. The cold, harsh reality is of being a "stay at home mom" is staring me in the face, and I wont lie, its been a little tough. Yesterday was a breeze, there were actual moments of boredom. I got a lot of cleaning and laundry done, and actually felt accomplished at the end of my day. The hubby got home and we made dinner together, he got his baby time in with Maddie, and we both got a semi-good nights sleep. Not too bad. Today however is a different story. Woke up with a severe kink in my neck, so right off the bat we're in the negative. Maddie was a pisser this moring,in fact, make that ALL DAY, and honestly I really dont know what she has to complain about...its not like she's ever gone hungry, the little piglet eats on demand, shes never been with a dirty diaper for too long, and she wears the most snuggly of clothes one could...I think this is show of things to come, she's quite a miss feisty pants! To top it off, Melvin was throwin me for a loop left and right, and now at 4:00 in the afternoon I feel like a total slob with nothing to show for myself. Whew, it does feel good to vent, its tough talking to a wee babe about these sort of things.

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