Maddies 3rd Birthday Tea Party

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Little Lady is 6 Weeks Old!

Can you believe it?! My baby girl...OUR baby girl is 6 weeks old. The time has gone by so quickly, yet so slowly all at the same time. When I think back on all those sleepless nights, and the hour after hours Josh and I would trade off trying to get her to stay asleep once set down, that's when it feels like time couldnt go by more slowly. Its all those good moments though that make these past 6 weeks of her little life just whiz, and as new parents, it truely is those sweet times that are all you can remember. Thats were the baby amnesia really hits ya and its all flowers, hearts, and lollypops looking back although we all know that aint true...not even close. Here are some of our favorits pics of Miss Madelyn Joy

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